Daniel's Approach
Why decide to chose different, why choose Daniel?
Daniel lives by a holistic values approach, values that are the fundamental compounds for each session and also for it to be successful for each individual.
Promoting You.
Every person is the the true expert of themselves, you know yourself more than anyone else and this makes you truly individual. With a little bit of support, you can unlock these hidden successful traits to take you further than before and enhance your uniqueness. By working with Daniel, we will tailor a bespoke solution according to your needs and to maximise your character through adversity and through positive psychology. Each session is based around the individual, there is no hard structure and we promote active listening to direct the session according to you. Every session is centred around you, whether that be performance, goals, coping strategies and solutions. We wholly cater to boost you as the individual.
Positive Interestedness
Active listening makes us feel related, calm and listened to. In every aspect of our values, we fully commit to support, empathise and assist in every session so that you feel understood and connected to, rather than alone. Daniel strives to empathetically understand you and your situation – to see your world how you see it. All sessions are confidential and without judgement, but make no mistake, no concern with be thrown aside. you are the client and therefore you will be listened too with warmth and with consideration. As with anything life does has it’s ups and downs, and so does our sporting life also, each affect the other and sometimes it can feel really powerful on us. The environment in which Daniel strives to work within is centred wholly around safety, honesty and openness between parties. This is a place we want you to feel safe & comfortable whilst working with us.

Integrity, Credibility & Professionalism
Daniel strictly adheres to and works under the British Psychological Society (BPS) professional code of conduct, which is considered the gold standard of professionalism within its field. Daniel has incorporated his knowledge from the military and civilian life from the science of Well-being to Psychological First Aid to Mental Resilience Training into his practise. From this he has assimilated his education from degree and post-graduate-level training and has worked across arrange of sports and organisational settings. Daniel prides in his provisions are guaranteed as a sport psychology & mental fitness coach in utilising his pride in being approachable, professional and flexible.
Working Together
Like we said above, only you are the expert of yourself! Promoting your own success and stronger performance through Sport Psychology isn't solely provided to you through a lecture or being spoken to, but rather is much a proactive process whereby your vision comes to fruition to take you further. This is where Daniel comes in, here we will work with you to fulfil your goals and mindset. Daniel is also happy to mentor you on the educational and key evidenced based psychological principles, mental resilience strategies and provide skillsets where appropriate, to bolster your performance voyage. Within organisations, Daniel has the capacity to also work with your supporting teams, such as collaboration with your managerial coaches, individual sports trainers & other sporting professionals to aid on more a macro level.
Your Input
We will always fully support you, however their will also be some responsibility from you to put in also. Daniel will give 100% input in his commitment to helping you along the way in achieving your goals. He will go the extra mile to support you in your progression and discuss with you the best way to keep your psychological performance on track. From sending you a reminder messages to arranging bite-size catch-up calls to a 6 month report on your development. However it must be stressed that that Rome wasn't built in a day or there is no miracle pill so you will need to actively engage in the journey! Learning to manage your own mindset and performance will take dedication, time and practise so by putting in 100% and you'll get 150% out of each session. Between sessions, you may be given tasks or homework to practise some mental skills or reflection work to see your progress so far and even gain insight to thoughts, values and beliefs.